

Assemblywoman Nily Rozic Recognizes New York Non-Profit for Fighting Drug Abuse

Official Acknowledges Fialkoff Dental Study Club for its Sponsorship and Support of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World and its Free Drug Education Program for Schoolchildren

Queens, New York—Assemblywoman Nily Rozic presented a New York State Assembly Citation to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World (FDFW) Northeast Chapter sponsored by Dr. Bernard Fialkoff, Dental Implant and Cosmetic Periodontal Surgeon and the Fialkoff Dental Study Club, at its monthly meeting last night at Laterna Restaurant in Queens. Dr. Fialkoff founded the Chapter  in 2006 ( and has made the community service program a priority in his office. He also runs a monthly dental education group – the Fialkoff Dental Study Club – which has supported the expansion of the program. The chapter has presented more than 600 free drug education events to NYC schools, after-school programs and community centers, providing drug education to more than 60,000 children, teens and adults. Assemblywoman Rozic presented the citation to honor this work and acknowledge the sponsorship of the group of dental professionals.


           Assemblywoman Rozic’s citation states, “It is appropriate to recognize organizations for their particular contributions that strengthen the fabric of our communities; and The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is one such outstanding organization {…} this respected foundation has shown unwavering commitment toward helping people around the world to learn about the destructive side effects of drugs; therefore let it be proclaimed {…} I congratulate and commend the Foundation for a Drug-Free World on its annual sponsors milestone meeting in honor of reaching the 600th event mark in New York City deserving of the esteem of both its community and the great State of New York.” 

Dr. Fialkoff presented an annual report at the meeting showing photos, recognitions and additional information regarding upcoming plans for the new school year. He read a thank you letter that one of the 9th grade students sent after receiving a free drug education event from the foundation. The letter read, “I am very grateful for you to come in and speak to me and my fellow classmates. Your speech caused an impact on us; now we all look at things differently. Before I met you, I would say, ‘Why should one care about those that do drugs?’ Now I care about those people, I speak to them and advocate about how drugs are a poison and its harmful effects. Your workshop really did impact me, I apply it to my daily life.” After reading the letter, Dr. Fialkoff explained to the group, “The success of any program begins with the individual. Any worthwhile activity begins with individuals then spreads to local groups, the city, the state and then nationally. Many professionals are speaking about how the negative environment is affecting our practices. This program helps children to stay off of street drugs and has gotten positive results. We are proud that these officials are acknowledging this program and taking a lead role in helping to change all of the downturn that has occurred in the last few years. As professionals, we can feel proud to live up to our purpose of helping our community and improving their lives. What better way there is to show this and to do this than to help the very children who will in short order, be in charge of our area.”            The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. The foundation provides the facts that empower youth to choose not to take drugs in the first place through free educational events and curriculum. Through a worldwide network of volunteers and working with more than 800 police, government, and community partners and alliances, 62 million educational booklets have been distributed, tens of thousands of drug awareness events have been held, and public service announcements have reached more than 260 million viewers in 123 countries. These materials and activities have helped people around the world learn about the destructive side effects of drugs and thereby make the decision for themselves to not use them. 


Dr. Bernard Fialkoff has a periodontal, dental implant and cosmetic laser surgery office for 32 years on 56-03 214th Street in Bayside, NY. The office web site and blog, which shows drug event photos and other community activities of the office, is Dr. Fialkoff also has a web page devoted to the drug education program at:  The Fialkoff Dental Study Club was founded in the mid ‘90’s and provides a platform for comraderie and dental excellence for New York’s vast dental professionals. The study club’s web site is: For more information and to book a free event, please email [email protected].