Fialkoff Dental Study Club “Hall of Fame”
Dr. Bernard Fialkoff, DDS and Alfredo Johnson CPT, “Tooth Meridians; Secrets to your Patients’ Health and Vitality”
Dr. Bernard Fialkoff, DDS and Marilyn Ferraro “Immediate Implants in 1 Month; Increased Success in Failing / Difficult Situations”
Dr. William Paveletz, DMD, “Meet the Newest Pick up Artist in Town… Time-Saving Direct Implant Pick-Up System”
Mr. Robinson Frias, “Personal Wellness for You the Dentist; How to Keep Yourself Healthy and Pain Free”
John Sconza, “Implant Restorations; Complications and Solutions”
“How to Create a Financially Successful Dental Practice in 2019” John Vento
Dr. Steven Wallace, DDS and Dr. Bernard Fialkoff, DDS, “Alveolar and Sinus Grafting for Implant Rehabilitation; Cases You Could Be Treating”
Dr. Paul Zhivago, DDS, “Integration of Computerized Digital Dentistry; Cutting Edge Customized Restorations”
Jennifer Kirschenbaum, Esq., “New York’s New Sexual Harassment Law; Mandatory Training and Policies”
Dr. Christopher Byron, “Mandated CPR Training for Dentist Licensure; Two Year Maximum Certification; Adult / Child CPR / AED”
Dr. Bijan Anvar, DDS & New York State Dental Association (NYSDA), “Avoid the Million Dollar Mistake – HIPAA Security Compliance: Protecting Your Patients, Your Practice And Yourself”
Dr. Marvin Fier, “Real Life Dentistry, Simple or Complex; Clinical Cases from Start to Finish”
Marc Fowler, “Effectively Attracting Your Most Profitable Patients; Fighting Back Against Corporate Dentistry & the Foundation of a Successful Dental Marketing Strategy”
Larry Oxenham, “How Dentists Can Become Invincible to Lawsuits & Save Thousands in Taxes”
Dr. Brett Gilbert DDS, “The Essentials of Endodontic Emergencies: Diagnosis, Safe Access and Infection Management”
Dr. Marc Gottlieb DDS, “Jewels you can Use on Monday”
Chris Moriarity, “Behavioral Economics: Fortune 500 Tactics for the Entire Dental Team”
Dr. Cori Stern Torres, “Understanding the Relationship Between Nutrition & Oral Health”
Dr. Bernard Fialkoff, “Oral Manifestations in Drug Dependent Patients and Criteria for Treatment in the Dental Office”

Dr. Yahav Amos, “Dental Implants and Augmentation”
Dr. Leslie Pasco, DMD, and MGE Management Consultants, “How to Create First Class Customer Service in a Dental Office”
Dr. Robert Trager DDS, “What the 2017 Dentist Needs to Know about Insurance and Marketing”
Lenny Marrotta & Dr. Steven Pigliacelli, CDT, MDT, “Dentures and Overdentures; What You Should Know”
Dr. Dale Rosenbach, “Periodontal Therapy – When to Keep in Office / When to Refer”
Dr. Judith L. Shub, Ph.D., “Participating Provider Contracts: What You Should Know”
Jon Nadeau, “TMJ, Sleep Apnea and Minor Tooth Movement; How are they Best Treated”
Dr. Marvin Fier, DMD, “Predictable & Profitable Procedures for our Changing Economy”
Dr. Marcus Johnson, DDS, MSD, “Endo-Perio Lesions, Overview and Case Presentation, What/Why/How/When?”
Matthew Feshbach of Okyanos, “Stem Cell Research and Procedures”
Dr. Cary H. Ganz, DDS, “A New, Non-Invasive and Predictable Treatment Protocol for Chronic Headache and TMJ Pain”
Isaac Hakimi, “Will Digital Dentistry Help my Practice?”
Dr. David A. Wank DMD, “Moving Visitors from your Web Site and into your Chair: Core Concepts in Dental Marketing – A View from 10,000 Feet”
Dr. Steven Wallace DDS, “Sinus Graft Rehabilitation of Difficult Maxillary Cases, Part 1, What, When, How, Why”
Dr. Ronald Burakoff, Dr. Marc Gottlieb and the President of Nassau County Dental Society, Dr. Robert Trager present “Preservation of Private Dentistry”
Christine Taxin, “Medical Billing for the Dental Office”
Dr. Steven Svetcov, “Endodontic Complications, How to Treat”
Dr. Zackary Faber, “The Lateral Incisor – Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning and Restorative Excellence”
Dr. Brijesh Chandwani, “Why Physical Medicine Works Better than Pharmacotherapy in Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)”
Dr. Daniel Pompa, “To Pull or Not to Pull: Current Concepts in Apical Surgery & Implant Placement”
Dr. Judith L. Shub, PhD, “Computer Security & HIPAA Regulations, Medicare Compliance for the Dentist, Opt In or Opt Out”
Kamran Zokai, “Computer Security & HIPAA Regulations, Medicare Compliance for the Dentist, Opt In or Opt Out”
Dr. Ivan Vazquez, DDS “Pediatric Dentistry & Handling Dental Trauma”
Dr. Arthur Volker, “Indirect Ceramic Restorations”
Dr. Adam Bear, DDS, “Peri-Implantitis/Implant Failure, What do you do now that the Implant is Failing?”
Dr. Bijan Anvar, DDS “E-Prescribe & I-STOP Compliance”
Dr. James G. Kouzoukian, DDS, “Digital Dental Radiography and Imaging Systems-Comparisons and Considerations for the Practitioner”
David Hollis, “Problem Solving and Current Technology in Impressioning and Temporization – Promoting Dental Practice Success”
Dr. Farnaz Tamari, DDS, “Dental Care for Underserved Patients”
Dr. Steven H. Langsam, DMD, PC “Nutritional Support for Oral and Systemic Health”
Dr. Richard A. Shlofmitz, MD FACC “What You Need to Know about Anticoagulants for Your Dental Practice”
Dr. James Rutkowski, DMD PhD “Prudent and Predictable Antibiotic Use in Dentistry”
Dr. John L. Santopolo DDS, MScD, “Laser Endodontics – What is Possible?”
Dr. Jeffrey Hoos DMD, “Balancing: the Art, Science & Business of Dentistry, Composites: Where we were / Where are we going”
Simon Galeas “How to Avoid Headaches with Implants”
Dr. Marvin Fier “Real Life Solutions to Everyday Problems, Clinical Dilemmas and How to Solve Them”
Leslie Canham, CDA, RDA “What’s New with OSHA and HIPAA? 10 Tips/Tools to Keep Your Practice in Compliance”
Dr. James Condry DDS, MS “Cosmetic Botulinum Dental Therapies, How to Enhance, Market and Incorporate it Into Your Practice”
Dr. Edward Feinberg, DMD, “Saving Teeth with Little or No Clinical Crowns”
Daniel J. McNeff, CEO, Legally Mine, “Understanding Legal Tools: The Key to Lawsuit Prevention and Tax Reduction”
Dr. Harold E. Edelman, D.D.S., “New York State Mandatory Infection Control Course”
Dr. Steven M. Katz DDS & Kelly Fox-Galvagni
Dr. Edward Portnoy DMD, Dr. Elie Marzouk DDS & Dr. Daniel Weinstein DDS
Dr. Mark W. Montgomery DMD
Dr. Alexander Ross Kerr DDS and Dr. Robert Trager DDS
Dr. Marvin Fier DDS
Dr. Edward Portnoy DMD
Howard Friedman
Dr. Michael Teitelbaum DMD, F.A.G.D.
Dr. Scott D. Ganz DDS
Dr. Shailesh Kottal
Dr. Howard Stean DDS
Dr. Mike Abrams DDS
Dr. Steve Collins DDS JD
Dr. Inna Gellerman DDS, “Digital Orthodontic Technology, Reduction of Treatment Time by 30-40%”
Dr. Nader Azizi DDS, “The Implications / Indications for MTA in Your Endodontic Cases ” Perforations, Open Apices, Apical Surgery, Regenerative Endodontics, Pulp Capping”
Janine Stiene, MS, “Myofunctional Therapy: When, Why and How the Myofunctional Therapist can Support the Dental Professional in Overall Diagnosis and Treatment”
Rhiannon A. Reynolds BS and Joseph Mascaretti MS, “‘The Dentist’s Body,’ How Do We Avoid Pain & What Needs to be Known to Protect It”
Dr. Les H. Binkley, Jr., DDS, MS, “Comparison of Different Wave Lengths in Periodontics”
Dr. Arthur R. Volker, DDS, MSEd, FAGD, “Minimal Intervention, Maximal Outcomes: The use of minimally-invasive dentistry to maximize esthetic and functional outcomes”
Dr. Jeffrey L. McClendon, DMD, “Collaborative Orthodontic Restorative Periodontal & Surgical (Orthognathic) Therapy”