A sinus lift or sinus augmentation is surgery that adds bone to the upper jaw in the area of your molars and premolars. In order to place the bone in this area, which is needed for dental implants to be placed, the sinus membrane is “lifted” or moved upward. This procedure is done when the upper jaw is lacking in bone and the jaw is too close to the sinuses – all making it difficult to place dental implants.
There are several reasons for a lack of bone:
– If you are missing teeth in the upper jaw of your mouth, for example, your back teeth or molars, you most likely will be lacking sufficient bone which is needed for the placement of dental implants.
– Lack of bone in the upper jaw can also be due to periodontal / gum disease.
– Tooth loss causes bone loss in the jaw. When a tooth falls out, the body begins to “resorb” or absorb the bone back into the body. If the teeth have been missing for some time, there may not be enough bone left in the jaw to place dental implants.
– If the upper jaw is too close to the maxillary sinus, implants cannot be placed.

Dr. Bernard Fialkoff
For these reasons, Dr. Fialkoff and your general dentist will study the anatomy of your sinuses and jaw by taking X-rays prior to sinus lift surgery. A CT Scan may be used so that Dr. Fialkoff can accurately measure the height and width of your existing bone to ensure the best outcome for the surgery.
Dr. Fialkoff will place granules of bone-graft material into the space where the sinus was. It will take several months for the material to harden and integrate with the jaw. Usually, implants may be placed in four to nine months after sinus lift surgery. If you are interested in dental implants but need a sinus lift in order to increase the bone in your jaw, please contact our office for more information. Dr. Fialkoff would be happy to consult with you on this procedure.
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