What are dental implants?
Dental implants are basically root replacements for lost teeth. They allow you to eat, function and look natural without the need for plastic dentures,or drilling your natural teeth down for cemented bridges. They give you a better quality of life and increased confidence!
How do I determine if I’m a candidate for dental implants?
The amount and quality of bone remaining, your smile and your bite will be evaluated at our office so that you can start on your path to regaining your confidence and smile!
If there is not enough bone to support an implant in the area what can be done?
We can perform bone regeneration grafting to form new bone that will allow you to have dental implants.
What is the success rate of the implants?
The Implant Innovations Implants we place in our office have a patented “Osseotite“ surface which enhances healing and bone formation. It is approved by the FDA for 2 month tooth insertion. The “0sseotite“ implant has achieved a 98 % success rate. Our office policy is that due to their high success rate we replace the rare implant that does not succeed at no charge to you.
What is a dental laser?
A laser is an instrument which produces a very narrow, intense beam of light energy which has the ability to remove diseased soft tissue (gums) without the sound or use of a dental drill ! In most instances the laser removes gum tissue without any bleeding. The intense power of the light beam sterilizes as it works, and because blood vessels and nerve endings are sealed by the beam, there is virtually no pain or swelling after the procedure. Another benefit is that the laser does not cause scarring.
How can I be sure that my dentist is competent to use a laser?
Dr.Fialkoff has been certified by the Academy of Laser Dentistry and received training to properly deliver your laser therapy. You may visit the web site of the Academy of Laser Dentistry at www.laserdentistry.org.
What is periodontal maintenance therapy?
Periodontal maintenance therapy is a series of regularly scheduled appointments during which a patient’s mouth is cleaned and is evaluated for any early signs of recurrent periodontal disease. Most periodontists agree that the most effective maintenance interval is approximately 3 months, but this can vary from patient to patient depending on the tendency to form both plaque and tartar. Even with the most effective brushing and flossing, plaque can and does find its way into areas which are difficult to clean. Since this can happen in a relatively short period of time, perhaps as quickly as 2 months, it is recommended that most patients schedule maintenance treatment every 3 months.
Your bite will be evaluated to make sure that your teeth fit together properly. Any changes in your physical health will be discussed and an oral cancer screening will be performed. We will make any appropriate recommendations for correcting or improving any conditions noted during the examination.
Your dentist, periodontist, dental hygienist and you form a team whose goal is to keep your mouth in optimum health. These maintenance visits are usually alternated between the dentist and periodontist, with the general dentist retaining the primary responsibility for your general dental health.
What is plaque?
Plaque is a clear or white sticky film that adheres to the surfaces of the teeth, gum tissues and tongue. Plaque is made up of food and bacteria which can cause periodontal disease and dental decay. When plaque is hardened by the chemicals in your saliva, it forms tartar. The bacteria within the tartar cause periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has been linked to pre-term low birth weight babies, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and other medical diseases.
How can I tell if plaque is affecting my gums?
The most common warning sign occurs when the gum tissues adjacent to the teeth become red, swollen and bleed developing what is know as gingivitis. This is a reversible condition which, in its earliest stages, can be treated by the patient by brushing and flossing. If this condition is left untreated, the infection can work its way down through the gum and eventually infects the underlying bone. When this infection begins to destroy bone, you have what is known as periodontitis. Periodontal disease is present when there is a loss of attachment between the gums and the teeth and a loss of bone which supports the teeth. These teeth may become loose and may eventually have to be removed.
How often should plaque and tartar be removed?
The removal of plaque and tartar is the most successful way to minimize or prevent periodontal disease. However, plaque and tartar form at different rates in different people and a professional cleaning at 3 month intervals is recommended to maintain periodontal health, prevent tooth loss, and possible help avoid more serious medical conditions. It also helps to control bad taste or breath in the mouth, as well as giving you a bright glowing smile!
Is periodontal disease contagious?
Recent advances in DNA labeling show that bacteria of the same genetic makeup are frequently found in married couples, or couples who have spent many years in cohabitation. Since these bacteria are identical from a DNA point of view, it can be assumed that they have been transmitted from person to person. A periodontal screening at our office can determine whether or not you are at risk for developing periodontal disease.
Why can’t we treat periodontal disease with antibiotics alone as we do other infections in the body?
The mouth is one of only two places in the body which is not sterile when it is healthy. We require many different types of bacteria to help us digest our food. The long term use of antibiotics which would be necessary to constantly control the bacteria which cause periodontal disease would certainly have side effects which would be worse than the disease itself. There is always the danger of a patient becoming resistant to a particular antibiotic so that this antibiotic could not be used to fight a potentially life threatening disease itself. Any attempt at the long term use of antibiotics could greatly upset the bacterial makeup of the mouth, causing secondary types of infections such as those resulting in fungal infections.
Does stress affect oral health?
Stress lowers the body’s resistance to infection in general, and so could affect or aggravate oral health.
Does smoking influence periodontal health?
Smokers have a greater prevalence and severity of periodontal disease and usually a poorer response to treatment.